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Can I avoid shipping charges by picking up my order?Updated 7 months ago

YES! For some products, you can reverse shipping charges by picking up your order from a warehouse – if you're close enough to one of the available locations.

What items are eligible for pick up?

Below is a quick overview of pickup items. For a complete detailed list, see this article.

  • Many items are available to pickup from our warehouse in Portland, OR. 
  • Pick up your CR Laurence van windows from one of 17 warehouses across the US as shown on this CRL warehouse map
  • Grab your Van Windows Direct products if you're near Victorville, CA. 
  • Pick up your Aluminess roof rack directly from Aluminess in Santee, CA. While there, you can also arrange for them do the installation!
  • Arctic Tern windows are available for pickup in Prescott, AZ. 
  • Pick up your Flarespace items in Arvada, CO.
  • Plus other manufacturers in various locations in the US. See this article for more info.

How do I get the shipping charges reversed for picking up my order?

If an item is eligible for pickup, you'll see the FREE Pickup drop-down with the location listed. When you add that item to your cart, the shipping charge is removed. 

Remember, if you choose the pickup option, YOU MUST PICK UP that item from the location you chose. 

Please do not contact any warehouse until we send you a Ready for Pickup email with complete instructions. 

What if not all my items are eligible for pickup?

If some items in your order are not eligible for pickup, no problem! You can add items for pickup as well as items to ship, and your cart will know the difference. 

See this article for a list of available pickup products.

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